Friday, November 22, 2013


Megan O'Leary, Sarah Chamblee, Evan Johnson, Peighton Tindle

- Definition: Expressing an idea with less emphasis or in a lesser degree than is the actual case.

- It is the opposite of hyperbole.

- Understatement is employed for ironic emphasis.

- Examples: "Last week I saw a woman flay'd, and you will hardly believe how much it altered her person for the worse." - Swift
If a person talking about food prepared by the best chef in the world says, "The food was tolerable."
"I wouldn't say he was thin," says a person describing someone obese.

Video Example

Distortion Reversal

Distortion- the use of words in a manner that deviates from its original meaning
Reversal- To show something as the opposite of what it is normally is.

Distortion- Telling someone, "If you were smart, you would have all A's" In reality, smart means having or showing a quick-witted intelligence.
Reversal- A young child in a family makes all of the major decisions for the family.  Normally, the oldest person in the family would make these kinds of decisions.

It's a video about Africans helping Norwegians by sending them radiators because it is cold there.  Most of the time, people are helping people in Africans because of their living conditions.


Puns and Malapropisms

A pun uses a word or phrase, often in a comical light, to emphasize or hint at its different meaning or application. The words often sound alike, but differ in their definitions or context.

A malapropism is typically the unintentional misuse of a word, often in ridiculous manner, that results from the confusion between two words that sound similar or alike. (The word malapropism means "inappropriate," or in some cases, "wrong on purpose.") A malapropism becomes more satirical when the word is misused on purpose.

Pun Video:

In this video, the female speaker uses puns as a way to communicate humor to her audience. One example of a pun can be seen in the example with the fish, where two fish are swimming in a body of water and one runs into a concrete wall. The fish then exclaims, "Dam!" Although the word "damn" is often associated with the negative connotation as a cuss word or in a religious context, the word "dam" is similar in sound but has a different meaning.

Malapropism Video:

In this video, the malapropism constantly referred to by the news reporter is Bush's misuse of the word "authoritative." Instead, he constantly uses the word "authoritarian," which has a different meaning. Authoritarian carries a negative connotation. It shares meaning with dictator or tyrant. Authoritative is having an authority on an issue. This is an example of a malapropism in which the confusion of similar-sounding words results.


A speech or piece of writing that strongly criticizes someone or something


-the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. It may be used to create a strong impression, but it not meant to be taken literally.

Brian Regan on Loitering and Manslaughter-

In this clip of one of his shows, Epitome of Hyperbole, Brian Regan over exaggerates the crime of loitering as if it should not be a crime, as if it is far to wimpy to be considered of crime status. Then he points out that the most heinous sounding crime is manslaughter. He strongly exaggerates a crimal convicted of manslaughter as a psychotic human who is always angry.

-Kelsie Droste and Jarrett Elsfelder


Incongruity: the condition of being out of place; inappropriate; unbecoming

Explanation: each item in the video is misplaced where it doesn't belong or the person shows out of place behavior

Distortion Reversal

- Distortion: Using words to change reality
- Reversal: Point in the story when the protagonist's fortunes turn in an unexpected direction.

- Distortion: Describing something as a valuable learning opportunity when in fact or mistake is more appropriate
- Reversal: Considered as the plot


Malapropisms and Puns

Malapropism  - This is better known as the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar - sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect.

  • For example: A picture of two dogs and one dog says to the other: " After we go to the drugstore and the post office, I'm going to the vets to get tutored!"
Pun - A joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words that sound alike but have different meanings.

  • For example: I'm glad I know sign-language, it's pretty handy. 

  • This video shows President George W. Bush using malapropism by accidentally slipping up on various speeches that he gave over the years. These slips have a comical effect on the public, but they still understand what point he was trying to get across. 
BY: Kaley Rose, Ashley Clark, and Emma Burry


Maggie Vincent, Megan Reddick, and Anna Hevron

  • Expressing an idea in a lesser degree than the actual case
  • Satirists use this in order to show the enormity of a problem.
  • Example
    • "Last week I saw a woman flay'd, and you will hardly believe how much it altered her person for the worst." -Swift

Parody/ Allegory

Parody: an existing work that criticizes another existing work; is meant to be funny.

This video is about Miley Cyrus' s new song "We Can't Stop". It is making fun of her and how she has changed lately. It is very funny and very true.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration used to prove a point. It can highlight certain aspects that the author wishes to be noticeable about the subject being observed.


This video displays the use of hyperboles by displaying how addicting Facebook can be. It uses exaggerated habits to demonstrate the affects of too much social networking. The teen of this video is so obsessed with Facebook that she begins to apply actions done in Facebook to real life. Through these excessive displays, it shows how Facebook can come to control one's life and puzzle the people around oneself.

Instructions for posting 'Type of Satire'

Step One: Create a new post. Title the post with your term (ex: Malapropism and Pun).
Step Two: Define your term as you did on your poster.
Step Three: Provide a link to your video.
Step Four: Explain how your video is an example of your term.
